Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Racism in Football Essay

Throughout the 231 years football has been in existence, we are at the most critical era of football. In the last 10 years , the sport which had been invented to unite people of different colours , countries and religions .Has become a word which excruciates my heart . Racist. Racism was first encountered by the world in 1891 in a pub, full of intoxicated minds , the same act was discovered on a pitch full of sober men who get more than a soldier for being on the pitch. Racism itself means prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race .Is It that footballer have developed this malicious habit of saying derogatory terms – then obviously not remembering it in a court room . There however has been more then a dozen cases reported of the years ( from maradona to suarez ) . Yet 77% of these cases have not been taken action on but the 33% which have been recognised only 11% have been taken to the high court and found justice . this does leave a controversi al question in our mind is it the F.A ( Football Association ) behind this ? A more recent case on racism and football is the Blackburn skipper Jason Robert’s decision to boycott wearing the ‘kick racism out of football’ t-shirt, for Saturdays pre-match warm up against Swansea . This is because the Reading striker believes there is a lack of commitment from the F.A and football in progressing and until he is satisfied more has been done to address racism in football he will not wear the t-shirt again . Also as A number of black players – Rio fernidad and brother Anton fernidad , Ashley Cole , Raheem sterling have all joined Roberts with the decision of boycotting the t-shirt because they also believe there is insufficient progress . Conversely there are some footballers that do follow the F.A code of conduct , and also do that little bit of an extra aid , such as craig bellamy who has opened his own academy in Zambia . However there is always that small minority in every population , that weigh the majority of people down . Also most racist incidents occur between player of rival teams – but this is no excuse for racism . As a result of this barbaric culture of using racist terminology , the sport has began to suffer verbally from various organisations .The sport which was made to unite people of different colours , countries and religions is becoming segregated . I know your thinking â€Å" I cant make a difference â€Å" . But I can , you can and we can .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Intrinsic Motivation Essay

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) is learning development in which people acquire a new language – more commonly known as â€Å"second language† in addition to their native tongue. The second language is often referred as â€Å"target language† or â€Å"L2†. In addition, second language denotes any new language learned after early childhood years. This means subsequently languages learned – i. e. third or fourth language is still referred to as second language. A number of personal and environmental factors may affect the decision to learn a second language. Examples of such factors include family influences, social groups or peers, teachers, school, age, and self-concept. An individual may pursue a study on acquiring a second language skill for various reasons and motivations. In a study of UK and European students, it has been stated that the reasons a student pursues a study a foreign language are the following: 1) to be able to develop a career advantage for opportunities in the future; 2) a student’s personal inclination to learn the language; 3) to be able to learn and appreciate to cultural differences; 4) for an enhanced comprehension of the culture where the language is used; 5) and to be able to reside in nations where the language is used. The current teacher booklet aims to help the SLA teacher increase the intrinsic motivation of SLA learners by presenting sundry topics, including attitudes and motivation in second language learning; clarifying erroneous beliefs about language learning; what the SLA teacher ought to focus on: sources of language anxiety; the learning environment as source of language anxiety; variables of self-confidence; socio-psychological issues of language anxiety and self-confidence; instructor-learner interaction and classroom procedures; and interpretation of educator beliefs on language learning. Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning In the book Attitudes and motivation in second language learning, Gardner and Lambert (1972) have identified Integrative Motivation and Instrumental Motivation as the common reason for a student’s desire to study a second language. In the context of language learning, a learner may pursue the study of English such as a second language because of one’s desire to work in abroad as well as for travel purposes. The learner’s practical rationale for acquiring a second language is referred to as instrumental motivation. On the other hand, a person may pursue the study of English language in order to successfully integrate within the community where one is currently living. The learner’s purpose can be referred to as integrative motivation. Following a learner’s utilitarian purpose, the clear benefit of acquiring English as second language is to have a competitive edge in the labor market. Such skills are very valuable as businesses are increasingly becoming global. In fact, professionals who are fluent bilingual speakers have the competitive edge compared to monolingual speakers. In addition, travel and migration of people has becoming a growing trend in recent years prompting a necessity to understand and integrate within the society which one lives in. Given that there a significant number of SLA learners, it is worthwhile to examine how the teacher may be able to increase the confidence and intrinsic motivation and lessen the anxiety of the SLA learner. Clarifying Erroneous Beliefs about Language Learning Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope (1986) believe that the problem of anxiety and the accompanying erroneous beliefs about language learning, as discussed in their literature focusing on classroom anxiety, represent serious impediments to the development of second language fluency as well as to performance. In their discussion of clinical experience with anxiety as a barrier to second language development, they categorize this personality factor as that of apprehension, worry and even dread and anxious language learners often have difficulty concentrating, become forgetful, sweat, and have palpitations. Further, Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999) report that there are generally two types or constructs of anxiety, which are related to second language learning in both speaking and writing. The report suggests that second language classroom anxiety refers to the anxiety felt by students in interacting with native-speaking students. It is the more general type of anxiety felt by most school students. On the other hand, second language writing anxiety refers to language-skill-specific anxiety felt by students. Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999) suggest that these are two separate constructs and that anxiety levels in speaking or writing may be felt differently. Nevertheless, the report asserts that level of self-esteem is an important component for both constructs. In a research on English as Second Language, Huang (2004) reports that foreign students (i. e. Chinese) studying at North American universities have faired very well in TOEFL. While Chinese students have obtained very high marks, many still have difficulties in understanding academic lectures, taking notes, writing assignments and giving presentations. Further, this report would also illustrate that the two independent constructs reported by Chang, Horwitz, and Schallert (1999). Huang (2004) reports that the students in the study have proficiency in reading ability and grammar, and that listening and the speaking were the weakest. Moreover, the study also reports low level of confidence of foreign students in participation and interaction in classes due to this difficulty; thus, limiting their overall performance. Cummins (2000) supports that even though many have excellent English language skills in terms of social proficiency, many are still struggling with the type of cognitive academic language necessary for the success in the mainstream classroom. The Learner’s Willingness to Communicate Skehan (1989) further suggests that a learner’s willingness to communicate has also been related to anxiety. His research points toward some language learners attempting to avoid communicating in a second language due to fear of embarrassment over their current skill level in speaking the second language. Perhaps this is part of the reason why many second language learners, who study overseas, tend to remain connected to other foreign second language learners and avoid prolonged social contact with native-speaking peers. Though the reasoning behind each individual’s level of willingness to communicate will likely vary based on the number of people present, the topic of conversation and the formality of the circumstances, avoiding discussion using the second language is a common anxiety among language learners. While many studies have shown the level of anxiety of second language learners increases because of erroneous personal beliefs of the students, most of studies assert that self-confidence is an important component in overcoming of both in classroom and writing anxieties. What the SLA Teacher Ought to Focus On: Sources of Language Anxiety Furthermore, Young (1991) provides a list of potential sources of language anxiety. In her review of the literature on language anxiety, Young asserts that language anxiety can have a variety of sources – that is, anxiety can be associated with the learner’s perceptions, teacher’s beliefs, as well as the instructional practice to second language learning. She argues that language can come from the following: a. personal and interpersonal anxieties, learner beliefs about language learning, instructor beliefs about language teaching, instructor-learner actions, and language testing. Personal perceptions and beliefs can have a great effect on the progress of language learning. These perceptions have been well-documented in the studies related to age and language learning. Hyltenstam (1992) asserts that age in relation to language learning is an important factor in achieving native-like fluency for second language learners. That is, younger students tend to learn the second language faster than their mature counterparts. On the other, self-perception of more mature learners tends to hinder in the development of second language skills, which can more appropriately termed as trait anxiety. For example, adults, who are pursuing study of a second language, may have a clear mission why they are pursuing such course and far more determination to persevere than their younger counterparts. However, a number of mature students, who enter a foreign language class, were victimized by various prejudices about second language learning. â€Å"I’m too old to learn† or â€Å"I’m linguistically challenged† are common erroneous beliefs that adult learners often succumb to. Ehrman et al (2003) suggest that the feelings of uneasiness, such as late start or a belief that one needs a special predisposition for learning learning, can be attributed to the barriers created by the student’s ego as one matures. Adult learners may perceive their performance in a foreign language classroom as unnatural or ridiculous in comparison to their experience in the first language acquisition process. Therefore, these factors often contribute to the apprehension and tension felt by adult learners in the context of second language learning, more specifically in the aspect of speaking, writing, and learning. In short, adult learners suffer language anxiety more as compared to their younger counterparts. Certainly, not all adult learners become paralyzed by negative emotions the moment they step into a foreign language classroom. However, it is a common perception of educators, who have lectured to a group of adults, that some non-native speaking students may be reluctant to participate, more especially when they realize or assume that other students are more fluent. Nonetheless, it is important to emphasize that this emotion is not alien to younger learners, but in the studies it have been well-documented that with age the tension and anxiety associated with learning a new language is stronger and more difficult to overcome. The Learning Environment as Source of Language Anxiety Furthermore, the learning environment can also be a source of language anxiety. MacIntyre and Gardner (1994) would denote this as situational anxiety. Hadfield (1992) has introduced the concept of classroom dynamics to describe everything that happens in and between the participants, both the teacher and the students. Heron further elaborates on the existential anxiety of students in a classroom setting. Moreover, Heron also lists three aspects of existential anxiety in relation to classroom dynamics: 1) acceptance anxiety, 2) orientation anxiety, and 3) performance anxiety. Acceptance anxiety would relate to apprehension of being judged in a foreign class. Often times, students as well as teachers may show approval and disapproval behaviors to others. Fellow students may show impatience or mock another as a sign of their approval or disapproval to their fellow students. This often manifest as a sign of competition for teacher’s approval among students in the classroom. Teachers may also exhibit judgmental attitude in their criticisms as well as their bodily movements to their students. The teachers may open criticize or mock a student in a class. A more subtle criticism can be observed when a teacher would correct an error of a student. Whether the teacher corrects the error explicitly, by providing the correction, or implicitly, by indicating the kind of error and giving the student the opportunity for self-correction, can make a difference in the student’s self-confidence. Orientation anxiety would relate to the personal understanding of the situational contexts of the discussion or what is going on. Teacher’s role in facilitating learning is undermined by the failure to manage classroom discourse. This leads for students to at times feel of being deprived of control. In a discussion, when turn stealing overrules turn taking, such feelings can occur. The student may feel the lack of control over his role in classroom interaction when he is late to answer a general question or the question is directed to another person. More often, students would find the teacher’s unclear or unsatisfactory explanation as frustrating and leaving a feeling of no control over the language as a system. Finally, the anxiety is further instilled with domineering and controlling teachers, who leaves students feeling they have no influence over what is going on in the classroom. Lastly, performance anxiety would relate to the apprehension or feeling of isolation in a class. The feeling of isolation may also express itself as a feeling of disregarded. The feeling of being alone among one’s peers is not uncommon in highly territorial classrooms in which students never want to change their seats or switch conversation partners. Moreover, this would relate to student’s anxiety to talk using the target language with fellow students in fear of being appearing stupid and judge as well. Hence, research reports would suggest that foreign students will tend to group with fellow non-native speakers and exhibit behavioral avoidance when studying in the mainstream English classes. Variables of Self-Confidence Self-confidence is a positive image yet realistic view of one-self and the situation. A confident person is someone who trust his own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. According to Skehan (1989), available research does not show a single clearly-defined relationship between personality traits (such as self-confidence) and second language. He further points out that a major difficulty in investigating personality variables is that of identification and measurement, pointing toward a relatively new area of potential research needing attention. However, existing literature suggests that language anxiety can be correlated with students’ negative concepts of themselves as language learners, and negative expectations for language learning. With this in consideration, self-confidence levels can be viewed not only as a personality trait with complex factors affecting high or low confidence, but also as an outcome of high anxiety levels. This assumption is of considerable interest as anxiety tends to create negative self-perceptions about language performance and can then be tied directly to an increase in negative attitudes towards second language learning and a decrease in risk-taking and sociability. In different respect, overly high levels of confidence in language learning can have similar negative effects on language learning, hindering advancement in language proficiency as over-confidence, due to self-perceptions of high degrees of performance in oral/written communication or in positive socialization, can lead a language learner to believe that he or she has learned all there is to know about a language and lose sight of mastering higher complex linguistic skill in the SL. For example, an individual who sees that his or her skill level in the second language is superior to other SL learners who struggle with the SL, he or she might make substantial mistakes in grammar or comprehension, but remain completely unaware of their errors and thus not improve in the acquisition of the second language. Horwitz (1986) brings up an interesting concept regarding self-confidence by citing that language learning is a profoundly unsettling psychological proposition because it directly threatens an individual’s self-concept and worldview. A bold statement, but it does indicate that language learning, as a whole, can be a major contributor to variable self-confidence levels based on how each individual interprets their learning in terms of culture, grammar, or any other related language learning aspect. Variable self-confidence levels in second language learners are profoundly impacted by a complex set of individualised variables that it would be difficult to label each and every possible contributor to self-confidence levels. Simply recognising self-confidence levels in SL learners as a result of language learning and of anxiety opens a variety of potential research methods to begin measuring cause and effect of variable self-confidence. Instructor-Learner Interaction and Classroom Procedures Young (1991) asserts that a learner’s beliefs about language learning can contribute to the psychological anxiety in students. Skills such as proper pronunciation, depth of vocabulary, and fluency may vary in importance for learners in relation to second language learning. Similarly, Horwitz also studied the effect of various learners’ perceptions to language learning. In fact, Horwitz reports that a number of foreign language students in his study may have unachievable personal goals and misconceptions about language learning. For example, a few respondents expressed their optimism in achieving native-like fluency in the second language in two years of study, while others expressed their belief that language learning is tantamount to learning how to translate. Clearly, these idealistic beliefs contribute to language anxiety, more evidently when their beliefs and reality clash. A very good example would be the overly optimistic goal of beginners to achieve native-like fluency in the target language in two years. Over time, the students would naturally tend to get frustrated to find the reality of their imperfect pronunciation even after a lot of practice. On the other hand, an instructor’s beliefs about language teaching can also be a source of anxiety among second language learners. The manifestations of instructor’s belief can more clearly be seen in the methodology or approach in which an instructor conducts the second language class. For example, most instructors, who employ the Grammar Translation Method to teach English, will undoubtedly argue that the most fundamental reason for learning the language is to give learners access to English literature, develop their minds through second language learning, and to build in students the kinds of grammar, reading, vocabulary, and translation skills requisite to pass any one of the variety of compulsory tests necessitated in educational institutions. These instructors often emphasize on the strict rules of grammar syntax and proper form in sentence construction. While the teacher believes that his role in class is to constantly test and correct student’s errors, some of the students might develop anxiety over their class performance. On the other hand, some instructors may choose to employ a different methodology in language teaching. Some instructors may choose to use Total Physical Response method for learners to enjoy the sessions and create a less stressful environment for the students. Practitioners argue that recreating the natural process for children first learning their native language will facilitate the learning of the second language in the same way. More importantly, it asserts that language learning method involves a substantial amount of listening and comprehension with a mixture of various physical response such as smiling, reaching, and grabbing. Thus, the aim was to lower the affective filter in order to accelerate language learning among students. Taking into account the beliefs of both learners and instructors as well as the sources of language anxieties felt by students in a classroom setting, it is also important to look into the dynamics of the learning environment. Hadfield (1992) has identified seven traits of a good classroom dynamics as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Traits of Good Classroom Dynamics 1. Student groups are cohesive and have a positive, supportive atmosphere. Group members are interested in each other and feel they have something in common. 2. The members of the group are able to compromise. They have a sense of direction as a group and are able to define their goals in group as well as individual terms. 3. Group members are not cliquey or territorial but interact happily with all members of the group. Members of the group listen to each other and take turns. 4. Individuals in the group are not competitive and do not seek individual attention at the expense of others. Members cooperate in completing tasks and are able to work together productively. 5. Group members are able to empathize with each other and understand each other’s points of view even if they do not share them. The members of the group trust each other. 6. The group has a sense of fun. 7. Group members have a positive attitude to themselves as learners, to the language and culture being studied, and to the learning experience. Interpretation of Educator Beliefs on Language Learning Many paradigms and principles in mentioned in existing literature in teacher cognition are generally by nature unobservable and researchers have defined such principles differently. Freeman defines the categories in teacher education as â€Å"knowledge, beliefs and perceptions that shape what the teachers know, and therefore what they do in their teaching. † The keywords in Freeman’s categorization would be knowledge, beliefs and perceptions. These keywords would therefore define the scope of the teacher’s competency in relation to language teaching. Ellis (2006) would further refine the three words to discuss the teacher’s biographical experience and how it contributes to their professional knowledge. Ellis (2006) proposes â€Å"knowledge, beliefs, and insights† as refinement of the Freeman’s categorization. Knowledge (cited after Woods by Ellis) would be related to facts and the â€Å"things we know†. Beliefs refers to the instructor’s â€Å"acceptance of a proposition †¦ for which there is an accepted disagreement. † Ellis further elaborates on this irony as â€Å"ESL students need explicit focus on grammar as well as communicative practice. † Lastly, insight would relate to the instructor’s â€Å"personal practical knowledge: knowledge which is experiential, embodied, and reconstructed out of the narratives of a teacher’s life†. Ellis (2006) further elaborates insight as â€Å"an understanding gained from personal experience that allows us to see how previously understood realities could be different. It illuminates something previously unseen, makes sense of something previously incomprehensible, or lends a new perspective on something taken for granted. † Conclusion Different language experiences will result to rich and diverse insights, which can be very useful to second language teachers. However, there is yet to be a methodical study of a knowledge database of the learning experiences of English second language teachers. Formal education would require and ensure teachers are equip with the knowledge about phonology, grammar syntax, bilingualism, and motivation and methodology, etc. In addition, beliefs about the theories within language learning are also formed in the process as teachers develop a technique or approach in second language teaching. More importantly, teachers gain insights from the personal experiences, particularly in teaching second language. These insights are gained from reflection and recognition the complex, interwoven, rich, and diverse nature of what teachers â€Å"know†. The contents of this teacher booklet all aim to give the SLA teacher some insight into the areas in which he exerts significant impact. If taken to heart, he will indeed be able to make a dent in language learning by lessening the anxiety of his students and increasing their self-confidence. References Chang, Y. S. , Horwitz, E. K. and Schallert, D. L. (1999). Language Anxiety: Differentiating Writing and Speaking Components. Language Learning, 49 (3), 417-446. Cummins, J. (2000). Immersion education for the millennium: What we have learned from 30 years of research on second language immersion. Retrieved on October 23, 2007 from www. iteachilearn. com/cummins/immersion2000. html Ehrman, M. E. , Leaver, B. L. & Oxford, R. L. (2003). A brief overview of individual differences in second language learning. System, 31 (3), 313-330. Ellis, E. M. (2006). Language learning experience as a contributor to ESOL teacher cognition. Teaching English as Second Language or Foreign Language, 10 (1). Gardner, R. C. & Lambert, W. E. (1972). Attitudes and motivation in second language learning. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House. Hadfield, J. (1992). Classroom dynamics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Horwitz, E. K. (1986). Student effective reactions and the teaching and learning of foreign languages. College of Education: The University of Texas at Austin, Texas. Horwitz, E. K. , Horwitz, M. B. & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70 (2). Huang, J. (2004). Voices from Chinese students: Professor’s use of English affects academic listening. College Student Journal, 38(2), 212-223. Hyltenstam, K. (1992). Non-native features of near-native speakers: on the ultimate attainment of childhood L2 learners. In R. J. Harris (ed. ) Cognitive processing in bilinguals, 351 367. Amsterdam: North-Holland. MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, D. (1994). How does anxiety affect second language learning? A reply to Sparks and Ganschow. The Modern Language Journal, 79 (1). Skehan, P. (1989). Individual differences in second-language learning. London: Edward Arnold Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest? The Modern Language Journal, 75 (4).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Taxation - Essay Example A good example is the when the tax revenue collected is allocated towards paying for government services such as the police, the military and the government administration. Taxes are also collected for purposes of subsidizing the needs of its citizens such as the subsidization of a staple food or education. Taxation carries the weight of bearing the load of administration as well as providing its citizens a chance to run their country. As taxpayers many people are given the opportunity over voting rights as well as social security and welfare in times of hardship. Consumption Tax: It is a system whose tax base is consumption. This includes the goods bought by an individual. The most common is the VAT (Value Added Tax) and is added already on all legal goods that are being purchased. Excises: Excise does not depend on the quality of the object rather, based on quantity amount of tax payable is calculated. It modifies the consumption pattern of user. If excise in alcohol is made higher then, rate of alcohol consumption will definitely come down. Income Tax: Tax imposed on financial income of the person is known as income tax. Income taxes are also inclusive of the profits of a business if the individual is self-employed. This tax is inclusive of a person’s savings in correlation to the amount of money that has been saved. Poll Tax: Poll tax is the fixed amount of tax that is levied to each and every individual irrespective of his/her financial strength. Though they are cheap and easily manageable but, it has one basic drawback: Poorer people need to pay higher proportion than rich persons. Property Tax: Individuals who own property are required to pay a certain amount of tax. Inheritance taxes, Stamp Duties and a tax on gifts that you have made seven years before an individuals’ death. This tax is also inclusive of all the properties a UK citizen has overseas whether or not money is brought into the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Overseas Trade, Slavery, War, And Taxation in the 18th Century Britain Essay

Overseas Trade, Slavery, War, And Taxation in the 18th Century Britain - Essay Example The availability of revenue allowed for Britain to maintain naval dockyards and barracks, pay wages, and supply food and munitions, through Effective action by armies and fleets. The interconnectedness of overseas trade, slavery, war, and taxation shall be addressed by this paper. It is important to note however, that British colonialism had an influential role in the linkage among the four factors. Alongside a renewed pressure with the unprecedented demands of war with revolutionary and Napoleonic France between 1793 and 1815 was the fiscal-military state of eighteenth-century Britain, in which taxation reached 20 percent of the national income of England.3 Taxes were normally between 8 and 10 percent throughout the 18th century. Along with the growing influence of Britain was a desire to protect strategic goods, encourage colonial trade or preserve domestic employment from foreign competition, which became issues of national, security and imperial preference. It was likewise import ant for Britain to establish its political life and to provide links between civil society and the state, which became the subject of the complex process of brokerage with trade interests.4 However, success in Britain's point of view did not only mean the availability of an increased flow of revenue but warfare as well, whereby large amounts were spent in a short period of time which far exceeded income. It may be inferred that Britain's goal to pursue warfare specifically with its long-term rival France and the corresponding pursuit to sustain taxation were towards the attainment of a more heightened objective, which was colonialism. Such trail towards colonialism is seen in Britain's concentration on taxing policies witnessed in the fiscal system becoming more dependent on excise duties, with tariffs and stamp of wealth declining an importance.6 Land tax was considered the most important direct tax in this period, which was seen to rise in line with rents, profits, and salaries.7 The restoration of the land tax to the real level of the 1690s was seen to solve all fiscal problems as argued by a radical pressure group in 1860, the Financial Reform Association. A range of assessed taxes supplemented the land, aiming to tap the income of the rich by taxing signs of conspicuous wealth and display such as male servants, carriages, and pleasure horses. However, an increasing reliance on indirect taxes ensued when land and assessed taxes declined and these indirect taxes took the form of excise duties on a limited range of goods as well as duties on exports and imports. 8 At the time Britain relied on indirect taxes, there was an expansion of a more effective 'handle' on the economy for trade. Likewise, a means of extracting revenue from expanding sectors of the economy was offered through imports of raw materials such as cotton. This scenario shows the interconnectivity between trade and taxation, complementing one with the other in sustaining a mercantile economy. Warfare contributed to the rising power of Britain towards acquiring more territories for its expansion and objectives of colonialism.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Interview with David Konig - a Professor at the Washington Essay

The Interview with David Konig - a Professor at the Washington University - Essay Example The person I chose to interview in this case was David Konig, a professor at Washington University. The interview was conducted within the institution for the purpose of convenience to the professor. I particularly chose a person in the teaching profession because this is one profession that employs the importance of effective listening most of the time. The interview conducted lasted twenty minutes and these twenty minutes were actually the most insightful minutes I have ever had with regards to the art of listening in individuals. It is of the essence to understand what it really means to listen effectively in the education sector. This is a particularly touchy issue in the sense that when it is taken lightly there tends to be a very high chance that the wrong information will be communicated to the target audience. In education, especially, active listening entails being in a position to communicate to what a person hears from the speaker. The main reason for this is to establish whether the person has understood that which is being passed across. Indeed it is true that listening is a process. In this light, it can be set as a three-step process. These steps are actually the most important if effective listening is to be achieved. The first step is that of comprehending that which is being communicated. This is what will point out whether there is actual communication to the recipient. The next step is retaining the communication that has been received.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

'Euthanasia is a compassionate response to the suffering of life' Essay

'Euthanasia is a compassionate response to the suffering of life'. Discuss the statement - Essay Example Many individuals believe that life is a very sacred and gifted thing and by taking it away it can be tagged as murder, other people, however have different views. They believe that a person’s life is his own and he/she has the right to do whatever he/she wants with their life, even if it calls for termination (Michael Manning, 1998, pg 45-56). Different individuals have varied opinions about euthanasia which is why there is no definite answer to whether or not euthanasia can be justified as a compassionate response to the suffering of life. On one hand, a person who is on a life supporting device for the past week and has shown no signs of recovery will eventually die so one might as well spare him the misery of the pain, suffering and torture that is accompanied by a life supporting device. Conversely, there have been many incidences where patients have come around and successfully fought the battle for life. Thus, miracles do happen, although rarely but terminating a person’s life without giving him a chance to fight is also considered by many as ‘murder’. The time frame involved is also important to be considered. What are the chances of survival for an aged person who has been in surviving artificially for the past four years as compared to a young girl who went on a machine a day before? Therefore , many aspects, perspectives and differences in opinion must be catered to before a final decision regarding pulling the plug is taken. The name Teri Schiavo should ring a bell in every person’s mind. It has been the most renowned cases in the history of America regarding euthanasia. Teri, at the age of 26 was diagnosed with a neurological condition called PVS also known as the persistent vegetative state according to which she was practically brain dead. Teri’s parents fought against her husband and were adamant to let her live on the

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 76

Marketing - Essay Example Market research also enables firms that are new to gain a competitive edge over the more established firms. For instance, when Sprite was launched in Ireland, it struggled to get a market share of the beverage company however, after proper research they discovered that if they branded it more as a cool drink that they would be more popular. With proper rebranding, sprite was able to sell double the expected number of bottles and even launch the 2-litre bottle ahead of time. (Parasuraman, Dhruv & Ramayya, 2007) A primary research study is a study that has not been done before involving the first set of data to be recorded relating to the study. Using clothes selection as my choice to conduct research in, to select a sample frame I would take into consideration the target group of my product. The consumers would have to be divided according to age, gender marital status and number of children. The volume and nature of data required would be taken in to consideration whether it is quantitative or qualitative (Wild and Diggines, 2009). With qualitative data only a small niche of the market is targeted as compared with quantitative data, however, quantitative data requires less expertise and would be preferable for primary data to get data over the entire market. In selecting the sample, data collection method cost must be considered as well as the main purpose of the research and the period for conducting the research to be done (Wild and Diggines, 2009). The survey method of data collection is the least credible since high number of surveys are not returned when sent via the postal method and there is always the risk that the respondents who did reply are of a particular demography that relates to the survey meaning that their responses will be overrepresented in the data collection. This is because there is no interaction between the respondent and surveyor, this method is not suitable for qualitative study (Gupta, 2003). However, the main advantage of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Evolution from vintage to contemporary haute couture based on a social Essay

Evolution from vintage to contemporary haute couture based on a social and cultural context - Essay Example ... 5 2.2. Christian Dior: ‘The New Look’ and Working Class Women †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 2.3. Social and Cultural Basis of Transformations in Fashion Trends †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 2.3.1. Other Social Impacts on Fashion Trends and Haute Couture †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 2.3.2. The Contribution of Japanese Designers to Haute Couture in Paris †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.17 2.4. Haute Couture in the Production of Culture and its Similarity to Art †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦19 3. Contemporary Haute Couture: Body Concepts, Lifestyle and Media †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 23 4. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 33 5. Bibliography †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 35 EVOLUTION FROM VINTAGE TO CONTEMPORARY HAUTE COUTURE BASED ON A SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT 1. Introduction Haute couture refers essentially to fashion created through the artistic expression of the designer, instead of by the dictates of commonly held beliefs and norms related to clothing. By the late 17th century, the origins of the haute couture approach emerged in France, the European centre for innovative and richly produced luxury silk textiles. The opulent fabrics formed the basis for developing the system of haute couture. From the mid-19th century, Paris based haute couture validated the fashion designer as a creative artist, and not merely a skilled artisan, and established the designer’s name as â€Å"an international authority for the design of luxurious, original clothing† (Batty, 2008, p.4). The history of modern fashion is traced from haute couture in the late nineteenth century with the formation of the House of Worth, to the present day high fashion apparel created by contemporary designers (Martin and Koda, 1997). The changing fashion trends include the rise of haute couture, demi-couture, pret a porter or read-to-wear, mass production, and the prevalence of street fashion. These changes were accompanied by several complexities and contradictions caused by the social, cultural and art environment of the changing times (Martin and Koda, 1997). Thus, in studying the evolution of haute couture during the twentieth century, it is essential to understand the dynamics between commerce and culture, technology and aesthetics, popular culture and pastische, and fashion and anti-fashion at different stages. Later developments in high fashion integrated elite class and taste with street style, derived from tribalism, popular culture and rebellion against formal modes. According to English (2007), fashion is found to imitate art, which in turn is regarded as reflecting the different para digms of life. Thus, the social and cultural contexts of the times play an essential role in the development of fashion. â€Å"Fashion was not only an indicator of cultural change; it was influenced by many social changes† (Batty, 2008, p.11), particularly transformations in gender and class differentiation. Fashion also served to create several social changes. The distinction between high fashion apparel and clothing became hazy, and people’s perspectives altered over time die to technological advancements, ideological transformations and changes in consumerism. From a social history perspective, fashion has contributed considerably but gradually to the liberation of women. It has also played a role in their achieving â€Å"increased power both as consumers and as producers of goods† (Batty, 2008, p.8). Thus, women’s willing acceptance of being targeted by fashion trends

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The influence of Bunuel on Latin American Cinema Essay

The influence of Bunuel on Latin American Cinema - Essay Example The paper "The influence of Bunuel on Latin American Cinema" concerns the surrealism and the figure of Bunuel. The Dada representatives disdained official art. In 1922 the movement of Dada propagated the dominance of the world of imagination and subconscious. Having become surrealists the former Dadaists started experimenting with the automatic writing. The idea was that one put down the words that occurred to a writer. The same principle was applied to painters who reflected on the canvas the images appearing in their head. In general the direction of surrealism prioritized the fabrication of psychological works rather than creating art masterpieces. The basic principle used in surrealism was irrationalism. Breton published â€Å"Manifesto of Surrealism† where he gave the explanation of this movement. Luis Buà ±uel was the introducer of surrealism to the cinema and in this way he became an innovator. He was prominent both in silent and modern films, he shot not only feature films but also documentaries. He is believed to be the first surrealist in the world of cinematic though he has several works that are said to be made in realistic and non-realistic manner. His most successful films were in the can when he was past 60. As a rule film directors either retire or have a substantial filmography at this age. Due to his rich life experience Buà ±uel touched upon several topics in his films: Yet despite all the innovations and permutations of his work, Buà ±uel remained suprisingly consistent.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Brain Research Studies and their Significance to the Juvenile Justice Essay

Brain Research Studies and their Significance to the Juvenile Justice System - Essay Example In studying the juvenile brain, the use of new technology in the neurosciences have given way to new observations about differences in the structures of human adult brains and human juvenile brains, observations which basically stress the underdevelopment of juvenile brains. These observations in the structural differences between adult and juvenile brains have now sparked heated debates among scientists in regards to whether the observed differences have any real significance in how juveniles think and act. Aside from the scientific circle, legal experts and concerned citizens are also engaged in similar debates about whether or not these observed structural differences should be applied on how we treat juvenile offenders. The readings provided to us all provide insights into new findings about how the human brain develops. These new researches show how there really are differences between adult brains and teenage brains, with the conclusion that juvenile brains are basically immature. Of course, this has always been assumed by people. We have always assumed that teenagers are less mature and that's why there are a lot of rights that a teenager cannot exercise until he has reached the age of 18. But it is only now that this immaturity is actually based on scientific fact and not just observations of how teenagers behave. There is not much argument about the validity of these observed differences. The bigger debate lies on whether these structural differences are actually significant, and how these differences should be interpreted. First of all, the new brain research findings that were described in the readings show that the development of the human brain actually finishes only at the early 20's. (American Bar Association) Also, another important detail about recent brain research findings is the actual path of development for human brains. Not only was the structure of the teenage brain observed to be underdeveloped as compared to adult brains, research findings also show that the last part to develop fully is the pre-frontal cortex. (Bower 2004) The interpretation of these observations then leads to the debate. As a relatively young science, there are still a lot of things about the human brain that cannot be adequately explained by Neuroscience. Although large strides are being made in regards to mapping the structure of the human brain, the actual function of all these structures is still very theoretical. The significance and function of the frontal lobe and the pre-frontal cortex, for example, is still not fully determined. (Bower 2004) Although a large number of neuroscientists agree that the frontal lobe where the pre-frontal cortex is located has been observed to usually be active when an individual is undertaking higher thought processes, they cannot conclude that the pre-frontal cortex itself is responsible for these higher thought processes. It may just be a coincidence. Some believe these research findings may only show correlations between some functions of the brain and the activity of different brain structures, but they do not give

Monday, July 22, 2019

African American Literature Essay Example for Free

African American Literature Essay Zora Neale Hurston is included in almost every discussion of the Harlem Renaissance as a major contributor to the movement. She has inspired several essay length literary works that significantly discuss her contribution to the movement itself. These essays include Mary V. Dearborn’s â€Å"Black Women Authors and the Harlem Renaissance,† Sharon Dean and Erlene Steston’s â€Å"Flower-Dust and springtime: Harlem Renaissance Women,† John Lowe’s â€Å"Hurston, Humor and the Harlem Renaissance,† and Ralph D. Story’s â€Å"Gender and Ambition: Zora Neale Hurston in the Harlem Renaissance. † (Champion 167) Hurston has also inspired many authors to create book length works speaking of her work. Those titles include Robert E. Hemenway’s Zora Neale Hurston: a Literary Biography, Lillie P. Howard’s Zora Neal Hurston, and John Low’s Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale Hurston. These various titles contain insightful studies of the author’s life and writing style, as well as some contain a comprehensive compilation of Hurston’s short stories and essays. (Champion 167) Hurston’s work was not always received well when initially published. It is believed this was because most reviewers during this time period were male. Many saw Hurston as politically conservative and became upset because she was â€Å"supported by white patrons. † (Champion 166) Her work titled Their Eyes Were Watching God received a negative review when the reviewer was quoted as saying that he believes it â€Å"posed situations irrelevant to African American Struggles. † (Champion 166) After her death, her work seemed to have been forgotten, however it once again emerged in the 1970s and 1980s when she was rediscovered and reassessed. Much of her work has been published for the first time or reprinted and scholars have began examining it from the â€Å"feminist, cultural and political† perspective. (Champion 166) Hurston died in 1960, after she spent her last few years living in poverty; she was unable to make a living from her writings during her lifetime. She had been working on a book titled The Life of Herod the Great, but it was never completed. Her death was basically unnoticed by the world and she was buried in an unmarked grave. (Dickinson) The rediscovery of her work has finally earned her a rightful place among literary greats. As many scholarly subjects, Andrew Crosland points out that it is important to remember to â€Å"place Hurston’s works in historical and cultural context to gain broader perspectives. Her works remain visible reminders of tribulations of being a black woman in a white and masculine dominated society. † (Champion 167) Works Cited Balshaw, Maria. Looking for Harlem Urban Aesthetics in African American Literature. Sterling, Va: Pluto P, 2000. Boyd, Valerie. About Zora Neale Hurston. The Official Zora Neale Hurston Website. 2007. http://www. zoranealehurston. com/biography. html. Champion, Laurie, and Emmanuel S. Nelson. American Women Writers, 1900-1945 a Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood P, 2000.

Wal-Mart Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Wal-Mart Case Analysis Essay Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in the United States today and it has remained that way for several decades now. In order to stay ahead of the competition Wal-Mart employs different kinds of strategies and campaigns. One of its strategies is to dominate the retail market through its philosophy â€Å"Everyday Low Prices. † The essence is this philosophy is to cut the price of an item to the minimum, lower the markup and earn profit on the increased volume of sales (Patrick Hayden, Seung Lee, and Kate McMahon Mike Pereira 4). Though this has generated a huge amount of profits for its shareholders, the company has to sacrifice two things: the quality of their products and the welfare of its employees (Scott Dalgleish 1) This company philosophy has been a success for Wal-Mart. According to Jim Hightower, the Waltons, owners of Wal-Mart are some of the richest people in the world. S. Robson Walton is ranked by London’s â€Å"Rich List 2001† as the wealthiest human on the planet having more than $65 billion surpassing Bill Gates. (1) This does not mean that things will continue the way they are. In the future, the public will eventually discover that sacrificing quality over cost is not worth the penny they save from buying at Wal-Mart. With all the bad publicity and reputation Wal-Mart has earned because of this company policy time will come that the public may no longer patronize Wal-Mart’s retail stores which may cause tremendous losses for its existing and future stockholders. According to Allen Long, Wal-Mart’s stocks has fallen by 11% over the last five years perhaps due to the bad publicity the company has been getting over the years. 2) If the company seeks to avoid this disaster, it must first give respect to its hundreds of thousands of employees who work for them. They must be given adequate wages, health-care benefits and must comply with existing labor laws. As the larges retail store in the United States, it is possible for the company to give proper wages and benefits to its employees while at the same time maintaining the price of its products low. Foreign Supplier Initially, Wal-Mart advertised its â€Å"Buy American† campaign. But over time it became clear that this was just an advertising gimmick rather than a company policy. As it is important for Wal-Mart to maintain its prices very low, they had to turn to foreign suppliers which can deliver to them goods at lower prices compared to their US-based suppliers. According to Jim Hightower, Wal-Mart is the largest importer of Chinese-made products in the world, buying $10 billion worth of merchandise from several thousand Chinese factories. (2) For the foreign suppliers, it became necessary to resort to different means in order to meet the price requirements of Wal-Mart. Some factories in Bangladesh had to employ child labor to keep its production costs down. Some companies have failed to comply with certain environmental laws while some companies in Hong Kong had to mislabel their products to make it appear that they are from Malaysia to avoid taxes. This has only resulted to further reduction of the quality of the products being sold by Wal-Mart in its retail stores (Thomas C. Hayes 2). The resort to foreign suppliers has seriously affected several companies in the United States. Jobs have been lost in the United States as a result of this company practice. For the foreign suppliers, the business may be good for one to two years but these foreign suppliers must realize that they too have been affected by the Wal-Mart Effect. They have violated their own country’s labor laws. They have deceived the US government. Eventually however, their labor laws violations in their own country will be discovered and their resort to mislabeling to avoid taxes here in the United States will be found out by the US Coast Guard. In fact, a number of these products by Sino Overseas, a Hong Kong based company, has been caught smuggled in the United States. This loss is disastrous for any business. If these foreign suppliers will calculate the risks involved in engaging in these operations just to meet Wal-Mart’s price requirements for its products, it is possible they will discover that its not worth the business risks they are taking. Local Retailing Stores  One of the strategies of Wal-Mart is to dominate the retail industry. In the past decades, it has succeeded in doing the same as it has been ranked as the world’s number one retail store and the number one company in the world in terms of sales on the Fortune 500 list. Also, Wal-Mart is currently ranked as the worlds number one retailer and the number one company in the world in terms of sales (over $200 billion) on the Fortune 500 list (Patrick Hayden, Seung Lee, Kate McMahon, and Mike Pereira 4). When a Wal-Mart retail store opens in a community, other retailers in the community suffocate because Wal-Mart is capable of reducing the price of its products down to the barest minimum (Abigail Goldman and Nancy Cleeland 2). This is confirmed in a study conducted by David Neumark. He said that â€Å"The employment results indicate that a Wal-Mart store opening reduces county-level retail employment by about 150 workers, implying that each Wal-Mart worker replaces approximately 1. 4 retail workers. This represents a 2. 7 percent reduction in average retail employment. (1) This race to the bottom strategy employed by Wal-Mart may have generated made it number one in the retail industry. It may have generated a lot of employment. It has, however, also created unemployment insofar as the employees of its competitors are concerned. When its competitors close their business other employees lose their jobs also. I believe this destructive force of Wal-Mart may someday come to an end as the public will eventually realize that sacrificing quality over a few pennies of saving is not worth it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impacts Of Cruise Tourism

Impacts Of Cruise Tourism This business report addresses the impacts of cruise tourism offered by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. on the environment and its related issues. It aims to attend the necessity of Ecotourism as a sustainable business for the company. Although Royal Caribbean (the worlds second largest cruise with 23.8% of worlds market share) has contributed positively to regional growth by diversification, creating job opportunity, earning foreign reserves but it has diverse issues related to economic, socio cultural and the environment. However the main focus will be on environment which is strongly affected by the increase in cruise lines and there is a need to protect the ecosystem. The issues of cruise tourism pertaining to the environment arises because of three important reasons; lack of proper waste management, selection of improper tourists destinations, and lastly because cruises doesnt restrict to the number of visitor carrying capacity of the tourism destinations, resulting in site congestion, gathering of wastes, deterioration of archaeological and historical sites. Tourist destinations should be national parks, flora and fauna instead of fragile destinations. Due to ocean pollution the company has to pay penalty which raises its expenses, incur losses and also social impact. Even if cruise tourism is the fastest growing business of the travel industry however if the growth is not planned properly it may cause economic, environment and socio-cultural impacts on tourist destinations. Thus, the need for responsible tourism is highly recommended for the sustainability of the business, which can be achieved by ecotourism. Ecotourism is one form of tourism, which addresses the negative impacts associated with mass tourism through the implementation of sustainable practices. Its impacts and benefits are critically analysed and it was recommended for the company to implement it. Necessity of Ecotourism as a sustainable measure for Royal Caribbean 1. Introduction Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is the worlds second largest cruise company founded in 1969 and it. The company is responsible for giving a new dimension to the cruise industry transforming a simple ocean carrier service into a mega vacation option. It sails in more than 160 destinations with a variety of travel options. The two brands are Royal Caribbean International and Celebrity Cruises. It operates globally, however majority of its passengers are from North America. Main competitors are Carnival Corporation, NCL Corporation, and Star Cruises Ltd. (Royal Caribbean International, n.d.) The main objective of this report is to identify the issues, analyze the impacts of the issue on the sustainability, recommend a solution to fix the issue, find out its benefit, and its implementation by the company making it a sustainable business. The issues and challenges faced by Royal Caribbean cruises in terms of social, economical and environmental factors are discussed in this report. The problem that was identified with the cruise tourism of RCCL was the improper waste management which lead to ocean pollution thus affecting the marine as well as terrestrial environment. The poisonous oil leakage from the vessels killed people and also had harmful effects causing deadly diseases. This impacted the environment as well as society. The economy of the company was negatively impacted because Royal Caribbean had to pay heavy penalty for polluting the environment. This raises the issue of sustainability because for the companys long term business, it is essential to have a balance between these three factors. Ecotourism is suggested as a tool for sustainability. However it is important to critically analyze the potential of ecotourism as a strategy for development, evaluate the impacts and benefits of ecotourism, and the ways t o improve ecotourism practices and policies for Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. 2. Issues With the increase in popularity of leisure tourism, the company focuses on providing adventure, relaxation and entertainment to passengers from across the globe and tourist destinations as a part of the cruise package deals. However it is also necessary to maintain the glory of such destinations as it is linked to the environmental performance and the future of tourism also depends on it. Marine life should be protected which is the base of shipping industry. Cruises generate a high volume of wastes, pollutants into the water body which affects the marine environment. Royal Caribbean was found guilty of illegal waste-handling by disposing the toxic waste into the Alaskas Inland Passage waters thereby polluting the marine environment and for which it has to pay a fine of $18 M. But the company was convicted by the U.S Federal for 11 times in charge of ocean pollution. The $9M and $18M fines each were the highest record set for the largest pollution penalty for a cruise-ship company (F ishman, 2000). These pollution scandals not only increased the expenses but also affected the companys gracious public image. The socio- cultural issue in Haiti has also put Royal Caribbean under a heavy media fire. The company brings the vacationers to a private resort maintained by it in Labadee, Haiti, which is 60 miles away from the earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince (Bennett, 2010). Ms. Martinez, Manager Corporate Communications said, the company is very sensitive to the idea of delivering a vacation experience so close to the epicentre of the earthquake, but given the financial and social challenges the country is now facing, it needs the positive economic benefits Royal Caribbeans cruises provide. Despite Royal Caribbeans help to the Haiti relief effort, $1 M donation as relief fund, the company is charged for bringing cruisers to this place. It is criticized saying that the cruise line should never have tried to mix its commerce and humanitarian efforts in telling its side of the story (Bush, 2010). In a nutshell, the main issue figured out was cruise tourism which had the serious problems like lack of provision for waste disposal leading to environment and economic crisis, destination selection raising social issues. We will further analyse the effects of cruise tourism in this report. Impacts of Cruise Tourism on the Environment The cruise tourism is likely to have effects on various aspects of the maritime and terrestrial environments. There is always a high possibility of oil spills by the ships in the sea which is very difficult to clean up in the cold remote locations. The impact of vessel activity in the breeding ground and feeding areas of marine mammals risks the wild life and is an area of concern. Whereas the terrestrial environment is affected by the numerous passengers who often make shore visit to places of natural and historical interests as a part of their cruise holiday package, either by speed boats, zodiac or helicopters thereby creating noise pollution and destroying the archaeological sites. Another potential threat is there to the flora and fauna of the place because these species have low tolerance capacity which leads to the destruction of the ecosystem. Not only this, there is a social and cultural disruption among indigenous people whose communities play host to cruise visitors on an increasingly regular basis. While cruise tourism has the potential to disrupt local communities it also has the capacity to enrich them. It can contribute positively to the economies of remote communities and also can be viewed as an environmentally sustainable option. Aspects of global environmental change with relevance to cruise tourism The effects are on three sectors: Infrastructure, Access, and Attractions. Cruise tourism increases the open water which leads to storm surges and shoreline erosions. This creates structural damage and raises construction and engineering problems. An effect on Access is because of declination in sea-ice extent causing extended shipping season and melting of glaciers also causes iceberg hazards. Effect on the attractions is because environmental changes alter local activity possibilities, changes scenic values locally and variations in ecosystem lead to alterations in distribution and abundance of existing animal species (Gissling Hall, 2005, p. 44). 3. Recommendations Royal Caribbean should adapt Ecotourism business to address the sustainability dimensions which will provide a diversity of economic benefits to the company, environment and the community. The benefits of implementing this sustainability practice will reduce operating costs, protect the brand image, provide credible marketing advantage, increase client base, and improve the business efficiency. It is recommended for Royal Caribbean to discourage mass tourism because travelling in small groups helps to conserve energy and the waste needs of passengers are managed in a better way, thereby having low impact on the environment (Paul F. J. Eagles, 2002, p. 20). The travellers should be educated on practices respectful to the local environment and the benefits of small-group responsible tourism. So limit in cruisers number will help to protect the local tourism infrastructure for future generations. Cruise destination should be selected wisely because travel to unspoiled virgin areas is harmful and may damage areas of the environment that are exceedingly rare and fragile. It should sail to nature based places like national parks, areas of conservations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle should be the strategy for waste management. It should recycle all materials like glass, plastic, paper etc. Water bottles can be reused; special processing of wastes such as toner cartridges, wooden pallets and cooking oil should be done by approved shore side vendors. The outstanding garbage can be reused in some countries as road fill, or can be treated as special waste for further processing or disposed of in a landfill. The unconsumed foodstuffs by the guests can be sent to the crew galleys; remaining food scraps can be treated inside the vacuum system of the ship and can be discharged to the sea. Similarly water waste is filtered and purified into potable water. Tour can contribute financially toward the local economy and nature conservation (WTO UNEP, 2005, pp. 9-10). It should contact the local guides, local activity providers for the travel guide to the local places; the cruisers can purchase from the local buyers thereby promoting the local business, visit the national parks. Support the integrity of local cultures by integrating tours within the cultural fabric of the sites. The passengers should be encouraged to stay in local hotels, visit places, and participate in activities that foster meaningful interactions with them. It helps in providing employment, encourages cultural exchange and strengthening of intercultural understanding and tolerance for both guests and hosts. Ecotourism Martha Honey defines as Travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strive to be low impact and (usually) small scale. It helps educate the traveller, provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights. (Honey, 1999, p. 25) Advantages of Ecotourism It can help in protecting the ecosystems, preserving natural areas and increase the tourism. Increase the awareness on environment; educate people about the consequences of exploiting natural resources. Help in providing employment to the local and regional people, e.g. selling of handicrafts, local food items etc.; this also creates some entrepreneurial skills (Leader-Williams, Hashimova, Guliyeva, 2004, p. 45). Increases foreign reserves of the region, enhances economic growth. Raises the warmth to multitude countrys political, environmental and social climate Cultivate a feeling of pride and community through a revival or safeguarding of customary beliefs, practices and enriching techniques. Untouched destinations and natural activities may become a craze for tourists creating scope for ecotourism. Diversifying the tourism package into interesting events such as halt in country boats, trail walks etc. will help retaining the revenue generated with the local people and promote local economy. Figure 1: Sustainable Development Triangle (World Conservation Union, 2003) Utilizing the above figure of sustainable development triangle we can say that ecotourism puts a balance between these three sides i.e. economy, environment, and the society. For the long term development of a company it is necessary to be sustainable; Ecotourism will bring future and current benefits as well as work as a form of sustainable development. SWOT Analysis of Ecotourism can be referred in the Appendix attached at the last. 4. Implementation The company should get the new criteria for selecting destinations in a cruise ship port of call from the tourism council. It should follow the guidelines on ecotourism destinations set by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. After that a third party verification of its land excursions adhering to Global Sustainable Tourism Council-recognized standard by 2015 should be done. Once final GSTC Criteria for Destinations are in place, they will provide another standard by which Royal Caribbean can judge ports of call. (Wilkinson, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, 2012) Timeline: An approval from the CEO has to be obtained and then the company should follow GSTC for obtaining the criteria. This process of implementation will take around 3 years which is the timeline. Instead of activities like snorkelling, scuba diving etc. which has impact on the marine life there can be other attractions like visiting conservation area, Plantation house, lush forest trekking, catamaran ride to beaches where the guests can have beach barbeque. Maintaining the quality of these experiences means integrating the guidelines of sustainability, with the help of a GSTC consultant. Timeline: There should be an approval received from the strategic planning department and It can be implemented within 6 months from now. There should be proper waste disposal system in the cruises. Modern equipment like exhaust gas scrubbers should installed on smokestacks, superior wastewater purification should be on the vessels. RCCL can implement these systems on the newer ships as a measure to treat all kind of wastes like solid waste, water waste and air waste. It can also have highly developed systems like reverse Osmosis system that uses only 35 percent of the electricity consumed as compared to older units for converting sea water into drinkable ship water. Timeline: Approval from the corporate governance department should be obtained and this can be implemented within 6 months from now. In order to preserve the environment from dumping things overboard RCCL can initiate programs for educating the cruisers, travellers, crews for recycling all the wastes like aluminium canes, water bottles, food stuffs etc. It can also purchase more than one million pounds of recycled products each year. An approval from the CEO can be obtained for immediately implementing the plan and the sanction for purchasing recycled products can also be got from finance department. Timeline: This can be implemented within 2 month. 5. Conclusion Ecotourism is a win-win solution for destinations where the conservation efforts for the environment are also associated with the livelihood opportunities of the local people. For ecotourism to be effective in its true sense there is a need to develop a proper ecotourism package which should be different from the existing mass tourism packages. Royal Caribbeans plan to implement Ecotourism as a sustainability measure is indeed a commendable decision. The companys initiative to sponsor programs such as setting new criteria for selecting holiday destinations, running programs like Save the Waves with mission as reduce, reuse, recycle will certainly help it for a long term development and overcome the challenges to sustain its business. Although RCCLs investment will be more on these sustainable measures but it will not have a negative impact on the environment, social image and the economy as well because there will be no threat for hefty fines for creating pollution.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Self-hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask Essay -- Confession

The Self-hatred of Kochan in Confessions of a Mask In his semi-autobiographical novel, Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima examines the struggle for acceptance by a man living outside of the socially accepted norms. A motif that strongly pervades this novel is death and the images of blood associated with it. Kochan, a Japanese adolescent living in post-war Japan, struggles with his homosexuality and his desire to be "normal." In order to survive, he must hide behind a mask of propriety. At a young age, Kochan shows signs of being attracted to male beauty. His earliest memory is of a young night-soil man "with handsome ruddy cheeks and shining eyes" (8). Initially, his attraction to men is confused with a desire to be like them. Referring to the young night-soil man, Kochan remembers thinking, "I want to change into him. I want to be him" (9). However, as his life continues to take its course, he slowly realizes that his admiration for other men is actually love. When he first begins to appreciate male beauty, he develops an affinity for blood and death. This association may ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Innocence gained at birth, yet lost in seconds. The story of the lovers whose innocence was stolen away is a fierce one in The Things They Carried. Mary Ann Bell and Mark Fossie, a fairy tale come to life. Mary Ann started stealing the soldiers lives in Vietnam, Mark Fossie became uncomfortable, yet proud of her eagerness and fearless quest for knowledge. To Rat Kiley, â€Å"...Mary Ann made you think of all those girls back home, how clean and innocent they all are, how they’ll never understand any of this...† (O'Brien 113). To the men she was: dreams, youth, an escape, the future all in one pink trimmed girl. Mainly, however, to her boyfriend, Mark Fossie, she was his future, his connection life after the war. Rat Kiley describes Mark Fossie as â€Å"proud, yes, but also amazed. A different person, it seemed, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.† (O'Brien 98). When Mary Ann changed, and ultimately vanished, it is as if the war stole every piec e of Mark Fossie. Using this sophisticated complex love story enhances the sense of lost innocence. In the beginning Mary Ann and Mark contemplated what they would look like in the future, yet as the days went by her mindset changed. She became more interested on her new surroundings and less focused on her future as his wife. It was then that Mark Fossie began to mention her going home. He had been holding on to their future for his sanity, much to Rat Kiley's dismay "man, you must be deaf. She’s already gone" (O'Brien 107). However, she refused to leave. She claimed to be happier than ever in her life. Soon, the detachment grew between them. Mary Ann was immersing herself in Vietnam. Then one night she vanished with the Greenies. She was gone for weeks, one night Rat Kiley sa... ...bol of their innocence, and just as she became "dangerous and was ready for the kill"(O'Brien 111), the soldiers changed to become mysterious and cynical because of the war. A piece of the love story that vanished; the dreams and futures of the soldiers. They became tainted forever with terrifying images burning through their minds. â€Å"‘What happened to her, Rat said, was what happened to all of them. You come over clean and you get dirty and then afterward it’s never the same† (O'Brien 109). The things they saw; the things they lived, they couldn't retell, for no one would believe it. Mary Ann Bell and Mark Fossie represented the relationships lost due to the war, the loved ones that had forgotten or who would never understand the changes. They represented the dreams that had changed and been lost. They were the innocence and naivety turned to disparagement.

Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers

The death penalty has both supporters and non-supporters. The following essay will not solve the issue; I will only try to persuade the reader to understand my point of view. The death penalty is justified in certain cases such as Mcveigh Vs State of Indiana; however it is unjustified in other cases, including Bloodsworth Vs State of Maryland. The death penalty is a must, especially in today’s society. With the increase in vicious crimes today, the government must act just as harsh with our justice system to try and prevent these types of crimes. Non-supporters argue that the death penalty is inhumane and should be considered murder. People of this malicious caliber must be dealt with in the same way, an eye for an eye. Putting these criminals to death doesn’t solve the crime that they committed, but it helps the victim’s family and friends to feel a sense of justification for what’s happened to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital Punishment has been part of the criminal justice system since the earliest of times. The earliest historical record that contains evidence of capital punishment is the Babylonian Hammurabi Code. â€Å"It ordered death for crimes as minor as the fraudulent sale of beer. Egyptians could be put to death for disclosing the location of sacred burial sites.† During the time of the code you were put to death for the smallest crimes, which now would be a minor offense or even considered being nothing Today, capital punishment is still apparent in society. People are put to death because of murder or rape. The different types of punishment used are anywhere from hanging to lethal injection. The death penalty is a better deterrent than imprisonment because taking offenders life is more of a severe punishment. By using the death penalty as a type of punishment, it will in the future prevent other criminals from committing similar crimes and eventually make our society a much better place to live. The concept is very simple, the death penalty prevents a murders by putting the fear of death into would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty prevent murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. As Issac Ehlrich is quoted saying, â€Å"If the execution of a guilty capital murderer deters the murder of one innocent life, the execution is just... ...pen everyday, and many get away with it. Those who do get caught don't stay in a jail cell for the rest of there live. If we could rig our streets of murderers, it could mean a safer place for everyone. Men and women could feel safer jogging or doing errands at night. Single women could feel safer in their homes. Children could feel safe playing in their yards. No executed murderer has ever killed again. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.Bright, Steven B. â€Å"Judges and the Politics of Death: Deciding Between the Bill of Rights and the Next Election in Capital Cases.† Boston University Law Review 75 (1995) 2.Connors, Edward, 3.Flanders, Stephen A. Capital Punishment. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1991. 4.Long, Robert Emmet. Criminal Sentencing. New York, NY: H.W. Company, 1995. 5.Nathanson S. 1987 An eye for an eye Totowa: Rowman and littlefield 6.Robinson, Bryan, 7.Tabak, Ronald J. â€Å"Report: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel and Lack of Due Process in Death Penalty Cases.† Human Rights 22.Winter (1995) 8.Zondervan Bible Publishers, The Holy Bible, pg. 12 Genesis 9:6

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Classroom Management Plan

I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. This doesn’t necessarily mean punishing behavior problems but rather a combination of setting the tone in a class, preventing behavior problems with interesting and engaging curriculums and effectively including all students in the classroom so that their needs are met. Having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal of implementing good classroom management–without it the students would not be able to learn. Outside of their parents, the teacher is the next adult figure with the most influence in their lives. I must take every student under my wing and guide them through the year. In order to do that, the environment of the classroom I create will comprise of me taking a sincere interest in students and see them as unique individuals. I will be notice if they play any sports, or participate in any clubs and connect with them at that level. I will also build lasting relationships that inspire and encourage students to be confident with whom they are. Every single student in my classroom will be recognized for the diversity they bring to the community and I will never allow them to think they are less significant than someone else. I want a community classroom that is structured with independence, encouragement, an open-mind, and student cooperation. Cooperation and communication are vital in establishing a classroom because it considerably limits negative situations. As a teacher, I will set guidelines the classroom. In addition to establishing guidelines, I also believe it is important to know my students as individuals. Getting to know them, listening about their interests, attending their award ceremonies, this establishes a mutual respect and trust that transcends into the classroom. When my students view me as a teacher who has a vested interest in them, they are less likely to display negative behaviors in the classroom. As a teacher I believe that it is my responsibility to provide each student with the optimal learning environment in which to thrive academically. Establishing and maintaining a positive classroom climate based on mutual respect and responsibility not only fosters academic growth, but also provides a foundation for minimizing negative behaviors. By creating this environment, serious discipline issues, as well as minor issues, are often prevented, allowing growth to be the primary focus, not discipline. The first step is to ensure that children understand what is expected of them. Teachers should model expectations. For example, when children are treated with fairness and respect, they will react in kind. Therefore adults in the classroom must model a positive, caring attitude. Because children learn differently, it is important to employ various strategies for helping a child learn how to appropriately behave in the classroom. Philosophical Statement In order for me to succeed as their teacher, I must be consistent and reliable. Students can expect me to treat them the way I want to be treated. I have learned it is important to hold myself to high standards and I hope my students will return the favor. Responsibility, respect, honor, and equality are four specific qualities I value and I anticipate my students will see me display these traits and model after them. I want nothing more and expect nothing less than to see young minds grow and mature into exceptional individuals who succeed in and out of the classroom. In addition to a structured environment, children also need a caring environment in which they feel safe to make mistakes and to learn. Though I believe that the classroom is a serious place for learning, there are also many opportunities for play and for silliness. I want my students to feel comfortable in the classroom, and to know that I am always approachable. Bringing in songs and costumes and participating in activities with my students will allow them to see that I not only care about their learning, but I also care about enjoying time with them. My assumptions about young people are that their peers and the media pull them in many directions. When I look around, I see so many advertisements, TV shows, shopping stores, and people trying to get the attention of our children. They flash pretty pictures and sound off hip music to draw our children in, and convince them that they need to be cool by either buying something or having something in their possession. The young people today also seem to be more mature than in the past, but this maturity also brings about much confusion and anxiety. Young people are looking for a safe haven and refuge from the many mixed messages that are being sent to them. For many young people, their home environments are unstable, which leads to more confusion. Classroom Management Plan I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. This doesn’t necessarily mean punishing behavior problems but rather a combination of setting the tone in a class, preventing behavior problems with interesting and engaging curriculums and effectively including all students in the classroom so that their needs are met. Having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal of implementing good classroom management–without it the students would not be able to learn. Outside of their parents, the teacher is the next adult figure with the most influence in their lives. I must take every student under my wing and guide them through the year. In order to do that, the environment of the classroom I create will comprise of me taking a sincere interest in students and see them as unique individuals. I will be notice if they play any sports, or participate in any clubs and connect with them at that level. I will also build lasting relationships that inspire and encourage students to be confident with whom they are. Every single student in my classroom will be recognized for the diversity they bring to the community and I will never allow them to think they are less significant than someone else. I want a community classroom that is structured with independence, encouragement, an open-mind, and student cooperation. Cooperation and communication are vital in establishing a classroom because it considerably limits negative situations. As a teacher, I will set guidelines the classroom. In addition to establishing guidelines, I also believe it is important to know my students as individuals. Getting to know them, listening about their interests, attending their award ceremonies, this establishes a mutual respect and trust that transcends into the classroom. When my students view me as a teacher who has a vested interest in them, they are less likely to display negative behaviors in the classroom. As a teacher I believe that it is my responsibility to provide each student with the optimal learning environment in which to thrive academically. Establishing and maintaining a positive classroom climate based on mutual respect and responsibility not only fosters academic growth, but also provides a foundation for minimizing negative behaviors. By creating this environment, serious discipline issues, as well as minor issues, are often prevented, allowing growth to be the primary focus, not discipline. The first step is to ensure that children understand what is expected of them. Teachers should model expectations. For example, when children are treated with fairness and respect, they will react in kind. Therefore adults in the classroom must model a positive, caring attitude. Because children learn differently, it is important to employ various strategies for helping a child learn how to appropriately behave in the classroom. Philosophical Statement In order for me to succeed as their teacher, I must be consistent and reliable. Students can expect me to treat them the way I want to be treated. I have learned it is important to hold myself to high standards and I hope my students will return the favor. Responsibility, respect, honor, and equality are four specific qualities I value and I anticipate my students will see me display these traits and model after them. I want nothing more and expect nothing less than to see young minds grow and mature into exceptional individuals who succeed in and out of the classroom. In addition to a structured environment, children also need a caring environment in which they feel safe to make mistakes and to learn. Though I believe that the classroom is a serious place for learning, there are also many opportunities for play and for silliness. I want my students to feel comfortable in the classroom, and to know that I am always approachable. Bringing in songs and costumes and participating in activities with my students will allow them to see that I not only care about their learning, but I also care about enjoying time with them. My assumptions about young people are that their peers and the media pull them in many directions. When I look around, I see so many advertisements, TV shows, shopping stores, and people trying to get the attention of our children. They flash pretty pictures and sound off hip music to draw our children in, and convince them that they need to be cool by either buying something or having something in their possession. The young people today also seem to be more mature than in the past, but this maturity also brings about much confusion and anxiety. Young people are looking for a safe haven and refuge from the many mixed messages that are being sent to them. For many young people, their home environments are unstable, which leads to more confusion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Philosophy of Gender Essay

Some peck aspire for productive lives, however I work break succeeder is overrated. What Im trying to do is living my life according to what I think is right. This factor containing non tho intimate the classroom, but too outside. This is because I believe that education inside the classroom is very limited, which is wherefore we should drive the initiative to check off our education. So I start my mean solar day by having breakfast. I withal read the paper go eating. One must still be aw are of the current political and sociable issues we must never be single out from society. These are the populates issues, so we must non be degage from what they are engaged in. We are works for a emend society non for ourselves, but also for early(a) people and the next generation, so we must be integrated with their issues. after(prenominal) breakfast, I go to school. In school, aside from attending class, I talk to the personnel. I ask their conviction on issues. I as k how their lives are. through and through this way, I get a sight on how they think. It is very interesting because they are usually very outspoken. Sometimes, I learn so much more from them than the textbooks they bewilder us read in class. After class, I sometimes do offer work. I treat this as my other class. It supplements what I learn in class, and sometimes I get to apply what I intentional inside the classroom as well. This class teaches me a fate, from relating with other people to critical thinking. Then I go home. I eat, study, then read. I may non oblige a lot of stuff, but I do have a lot of books. I savor reading. This opens my mental capacity to a lot of possibilities, as well as solutions. I also love reading about undischarged odds organism surpassed by habitual people. For a democracy to work, I think the citizens should be proactive people. For this to happen, they have to be trained even while in school. And this would entail letting them take control of their education, planning their take curriculum, carrying out their own lesson plan.When angiotensin converting enzymeness speaks of a rational deposit of consciousness, angiotensin converting enzyme is talking of the state when angiotensin converting enzymes mind is consciously doing something, equivalent crossing the street. This kind of state requires ones full attention. When one speaks of non-rational consciousness, it is when ones mind is engaging in an activity that ones mind can do subconsciously its unanimous attention is not on the activity. Habits and learned behavior fall under this state. An grammatical case would be tapping ones foot. And when one talks of the irrational state, it is the state of being unconscious, such as sleeping deeply. When in this state, one is unaware of what is happening.Have you had your oculus broken? I have, once. I love her, but she left me. Maybe she judgement the world is a better companion. I do not know. It has been years. Her name was Lilith. She was a remarkable being, all magic and desire. She had bull that was like waterfalls cascading down to earth fluid, wild, breath-taking, hypnotizing. Her corpse was like the hills and mountains of the earth, curvaceous and fertile. She also provided the reason stimulation that I needed. In my youth, I was too arrogant and stubborn to empathize that. I had asked go for a mate. I was lonely, and I had no one to destiny my experiences of fitting and taking care of the creatures fuss put under my care. I also valued someone who would complement my efforts of organizing the firm of Creation, listening intently, while serving me a delicious meal. So I told the Father how lonely I was. He make a mate, and called it woman. I accepted her, and we lived together. I thought we were going to be sharp together forever in paradise. I made her wait on me, fare me, obey me. I precious her to only wander when I was with her. I lossed her to do all the domestic duties, because I was busy managing the Garden of Eden. We got along sometimes. Lilith, skilled with words, would contribute to my summary of what I did during the day, pointing out which names fitted the creature exactly. I gratefully used her suggestions, being inept with words, having been only if for some time. But mostly we fought day and night. We had different views on most things. She wanted to talk about how we feel I could not successfully keep up with her analysis on why she is chafe when the sheep just leaves its droppings lying around.She wanted to do things on her own she could not understand that I was afraid of losing her, which is why I do not want her wandering off. She wanted the privilege of naming and managing the creatures in Creation I could not make her understand that this was a work given to me, and she should try other activities in the Garden. She talked of how Eden could be made better I would rather focus on the conditions now. So we fought. She wo uld not do the things I told her were her duties as my wife. She said she wanted to do other things. She could not understand that her declining means undermining my authority. I know I should not have shouted at her and pulled her hair, but she made me angry. So when she left, I did not go looking for her. We have had disputes before, and though it is unlike her to not talk the occupation over, I decided to pay no heed. But then, days after, she has not that returned. So I told the Father of my concern. He sent messengers to her, but she would not yield. She would not come back to Eden, to me.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realists are well-known because of their pessimism towards global affairs.This theory can be regarded as a prescription to be followed by politicians and states or as a description of current affairs of the state or politician pursuing self-interest. Realism in politics is often defined as a principle of power supremacy, and it has a long history since the ancient times. It was reflected in Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. This theory was also touched by Machiavelli in his writing The Prince, as well as by other outstanding philosophers like Spinoza, Hobbes and Rousseau.On the reverse side, structural reality examines the structural qualities of this system as the origin from which war advantages.(Ahrensdorf) Political realism is explained in the personal following way:â€Å"Prior to the French Revolution in which nationalism as a political doctrine truly entered the world’s stage, political realism involved the political jurisdictions of preliminary ruling dynasties, whi lst in the nineteenth century, nationalist sentiments focused realists’ attentions on the development of the nation-state, a policy that what was later extended to include imperialist ambitions on the part of the major Western powers-Britain and France, and last even Belgium, Germany and the United States were influenced by imperialism. † (Viotti, Kauppi).Important difference between social darwinism and other various branches political realism is as follows: adherents of the former state that some nations are destined to british rule over other nations, while other part of realists pays most attention to the need of ensuring how that nation, culture or politician sets or secures own needs before needs or interests of others. Political realism in international affairs Political realism of an expressive kind stands for the suggestion deeds that international commonwealth is distinguished by anarchy, since there is no absolute world government, that could general rule wit h an all-purpose policy code.

Its normal that realism is not really realistic.17, ‘Of Commonwealth, cited in Griffiths, O’Callaghan). Respectively, without any supreme international force, nations treat each other with hostility or fear, and it damages the system. Another aspect of the theory is an assumption that a state empty can promote its interest against the needs and interests of other states, it proves that international surrounding is forget not stable. Any order is affected if states compete for the same need, and under such circumstances, as the realists state, the nation may rely on itself only.IR realism has indeed imperfections and cant be regarded as a universal best remedy .† (Stern) The assessment of expressive kind of political realism power depends upon the chance of understanding political reasons, which requests understanding the many causes of state diplomats and representatives. The pattern of officers’ relations, their motives and actions is complex. Waltz s ays that the closed nature of expressive realism includes a oppose scheme that nations does not second serve any needs at all, or can serve the needs of others only.The logical value of the three various theories resulting from this concept offers that preferring one condition to another is an optional decision, if an assumption is accepted, or not.

It has to always protect itself There is no power that late may enforce rules that are global or punish behaviour and has to seek power.Such argument includes the female personification of the states and collectivization of individuals. Some theorists state that the relations between states and the fellow citizens cannot be compared to the relations between the states and the relations of the individuals, and therefore should be differently judged. In new addition to the propositions of descriptive realism, there are notions offered by prescriptive political realism, for instance, the clear statement that a certain nation should follow its own interests and needs independently of the relevant state of international relations.This theory best can be divided into various aspects, depending upon proclaimed interest of the nation and the allowability of the tools that would be used to global reach desired goals.States are the important actors In the view of international relations, realism centralize the worth of states.Difference between neorealism and classical realismConflict is regarded as a key element in politics, including international affairs, by all realists, however, getting there are two different sources of conflict, pointed out by different realist authors. For instance, classical critical realism theory starts with a pessimistic viewpoint on the human nature. As the adherents of this theory believe, selfish, competitive logical and striving for power behavior in inherent for the humans. Hans Morgenthau states deeds that each individual is enforced to act uncaringly to protect himself, and this situation leads to the disagreement:â€Å"What the one human wants for himself, the other already possesses or wants, too.

A state will stay in a place.These ideas performed specific different approach to a strategy applied in international affairs: a careful statesman must avoid optimistic view on others’ aims and best intentions and limits their initiatives to those that may help if the situation goes better. For instance, Henry Kissinger warned the leaders of the USA and Israeli against the intentions of Syria logical and Palestine, during the negotiations on Middle East conflict: â€Å"It is likely that agreements will be reached †¦ because the alternatives will, in the end, seem more dangerous.But when this happens, we must avoid euphoria†¦. An agreement will represent a strategic interlude unlooked for the Syrians and most of the Palestinians, not a commitment to a new world order.e.Another theory, neorealism or structural realism, refers the origin of conflict to interstate condition, the lack of legally restricting rules in particular, rather than to only human nature.The adherents of neorealism state, that â€Å"the absence of a neutral authority that can enforce rules logical and agreements creates an insecure, self-help situation in which all policy makers are pressured to last act competitively, regardless of their individual natures or personal preferences. † (Kegley, Wittkopf) This statement is not new, it appeared in the 17th century in the work of Thomas Hobbes. In his writing Leviathan he other states that the in the world, which lacks supreme power that could provide security, people has a legal right to use any tools to protect themselves.

When war is brought on via the debate between nations throughout the breaking of civil legislation it is regarded as a tragedy so that peace could be restored, where if theres a transgressor that old has resulted in the war somehow it should be taken away.(Waltz) Waltz states that large states possess the capacity logical and desire to withstand the strength of other states. This results, as he sees it, in a tendency of competitiveness among states independently of the views of their leaders concerning domestic policy. Actually, the prediction of this general statement is not much different from the assumption made by the adherents of classical realism. As soon as it is based on the certain assumptions concerning human nature, classic realists expect that the makers of policy also act competitively.It may in fact be attained only by using intimidation and force.As soon as the states’ interests come across in conflict, it is expected that leaders pay much attention to the ir positions in power.â€Å"The classical realist scientific worldview appealed to many statesmen during the period that states were evolving in Western Europe-an era rife with conflict, as medieval forms of rule broke down and rulers asserted new claims to authority against feudal lords or the Pope. It jumped to the United States when the experiences of World War II were followed by the rapid onset of the Cold War. Neorealism later emerged when the bipolarity of the Cold War drew analysts’ attention to the effects of the structure of the interstate system†.

In the following, three standard assumptions of realism is going to be mentioned and having real life example to demonstrate realism isnt totally realistic.It is based upon the ideas of Kennan and Morgenthau, including the concepts of diplomacy purposes and international order. It proclaims that a global order is needed to be agreed by the largest states, to provide the promotion of their interests and reduce the threat of terrorists. Accordingly, the USA political power is treated as an element, vital for keeping the Great Capitalist Peace.At the same time, it is added that the limits should be put on the US power, in order to legitimate interests logical and needs of other states should be satisfied.Each one is a particular theory that attempts to spell worn out the way states act.(Lieven, Hulsman) Sources Waltz, K. N. Structural Realism after the Cold War.International Security.

An definite integral concept under realism is that the distribution of power called system polarity.McGraw Hill: NY, 1993. Stern, G. The Structure of kidney International Society. London: Pinter Publishers, 2000.Change in the system will induce change .Oxford University Press, 2004 Griffiths, M. , O’Callaghan, T. International Relations: The Key Concepts. London, Routledge, 2002 Kegley, C.